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Top 15 property/casualty insurance companies in the US

 Top 15 property/casualty insurance companies in the US The country's main 15 property or loss insurance organizations guarantee just about 66% of the complete market. State Farm Group is indeed the biggest property/setback insurance organization in the US, addressing 9.27% of the market and composing $65.6 billion in direct charges. Almost $20 billion more than its closest rival, Berkshire Hathaway ($46.1 billion), the name behind GEICO. Freedom Mutual, Allstate, and Progressive moved their piece of the overall industry contrasted with 2017, with Progressive driving the threesome with a portion of 5.54%.  Further down the best 10 rankings, Chubb dropped from seven to eight, regardless of its direct charges composed expanding from $21.2 billion out of 2017 to $23.3 billion out of 2019.  As indicated by the Insurance Information Institute (III), US insurance industry net expenses composed added up to $1.32 trillion out of 2019, with charges recorded by life/wellbeing back up plans r
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